Monday, November 15, 2010

A new life....

So for a long time I have been threatening to leave retail and move on to a more "normal" hours job.  Apparently my motto for the last few years has been, "This is my last retail Christmas." Yeah, like the last fifteen years there has been a pool to see when the declaration would come out of my mouth.  

In September I did just that, I got it together and started Real Estate School.  I submerged myself in the experience and got a job in an office while I took the state required class.  I was excited and nervous each step along the way.  Every test threw me into that crazy "WTF am I thinking I'm too old for school" panic until the results came back.  But I was excited that the end of my journey came to a successful end on friday when I passed the state boards.  I came into work on saturday and saw this:
Right there at the top was the pay off for all the hard work and hours of stress and studying.  So when you are looking for an agent, give me a call.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes! So very excited for you!

    Every time I worked a Black Friday in retail, I told myself the exact same thing. Took me years to get off that crazy merry go round!

    ps. thanks for commenting for charity.
